Wednesday, December 31, 2008
9:32 AM
yay! finished watching Little Nyonya ytd night. The ending was pretty anti-climax and I felt it wasn't wrapped up properly. A lot of other characters were not accounted for, eg Mei Yu, Yi Dao,Zhen Zhu, Yu zhu.But somehow, I'm still quite attached to the drama. It's like many years ago, when I went gaga over The Return of the Condor Heroes,He Ping De Tai Jia and Holland V. I cannot wait for the sequel! I'm sure there will be!and I miss Ou Xuan and Crush.
12:01 AM
Tmr is the last day of 2008!And how has 2008 been for me?Let me bring you down the memory lane (whether you like it or not) of 2008( its a bit sketchy):There were additions to 08S11- Derek, Hudah, Jess, Cat and Shawn. And for some UNKNOWN reason, Hudah did'nt made a very good first impression ( as in, upon seeing her name, you get what i mean?) and luckily, I somehow know derek from my Bio classes, but still, we didnt really anticipate their arrival.Somehow, things went well. We got along fine and they were quickly integrated into our 07S11 culture. Had my very first success in Council, where Mrs Tan announced to the whole school that this year's orientation 1 was the BEST of all the 3 years she was in Pioneer. Kudos to the Council. We were praised again and again and people expected O2 to be better. But it didn't.Had our first very major dispute in Council and I kinda loved every bit of it. Seriously, some people in Council are simple nonsense. It's as if their assholes are fixed at the wrong place. The first 3 months of 2008 were Counciled. Left churchThen, came the horror- the impending A's.Had new tutors. some were extremely well liked, while SOME others did not have the same fate. Cried in class. Competition was on the rise and true colours were seen. Formed new cliques and that's when we started the habit of gossiping. My mum lost her job. More tests and assignments. More emo talk from Principal, VP, Tutors-some really motivated me, but that didn't last long.Got B for Mother Tongue and that shocked the whole world. B???!!! Common Test results were.pretty okay. But i fail maths.June Holidays came and I went to China for some Humanities Trip! Beautiful and enriching experience. Then Mid Years came. screwed up. I failed maths, again.Thoughts of giving up- going to poly, retain in J1.......but still. I continuedPromised to study hard for Prelims. and to pass Maths. More study sessions. Made many friends that are worth to keep for life. They know who they are ;) be it from the same school, or different.lost contact with secondary school friends, more misunderstandings, and we grew distant.Stop going to my grandma's house, no contact with relatives. I went into hibernation and I CLAIMED i was studying.studied. Studying. study.More session at Macs. Feel in Love with Crush by David.More night Studying.Feel in love with GP and the teacher.More study sessions-in Macs, Lib,schoolprelims came and i failed maths, once again.Stressed over maths, Tutor scolded me. i gayly( no such word) broke down. I was at my wits' end. How? how to pass maths in 2 months time? how on Earth will i be able to do that!!!Intense study. More night studying session. Misunderstand between classmates. broke into smaller groups. Everyone was our competition, even the best of friends. More intense study session. Put on weight.Hated GP, grew complacent and i spent lots of time with Maths and Chem.Fell in love (more) with Crush by David.Focused. A's a few weeks away. Late nights in school. the sweat, the oil, the heartbeat.Constant encouragement from teachers. Still i had doubts.reminisced the "fall asleep while studying feeling" where your pen will "skid" across your paper or your drool on your TYS. Friendship grew and blossomed. We cared for each other.A few days left. Stop going to school, cramped the last bit of info into brain. Worried. Cried. Panic. Fear. Faithless. Faithful. Friends. Hope. Joy. Relief.A's came. i marched forward. Did my best for every paper and i still remember the sigh of relief after each paper. Close brush with Death. Allowed me to understand and never to take my loved ones for granted. Matured. special mention: Ivy and T.J- I'll never forget. How important they meant to me.A's were over. Flew to America. Had an exhilarating 11 days. Yup, that was pretty much how i spent my 2008 and as you can see, its all about mugging.and if you were to asked...what was the most unforgettable exp, it will definitely be the Death Railway thing. I think that was the breakthrough for me. seriously. Never to take people for granted and to appreciate you loved ones when will 2009 be like? I ain't sure but anyhow, I'll marched forward with an iron will. What come may, baby.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
11:54 PM
I'm angry with myself. I want to be a good boy
why? why do people insist that I'm spendthrift? Why do people insist that I'm rude?Why do people insist that I'm a spoilt brat?Why do people insist that I'll get my karma?maybe there is some truth in it?Maybe I'm not angry, maybe I'm perplexed or perhaps agonised.I'm still looking for the day where people will look beyond. Beyond the superficial.Beyond the portrayal.Beyond the obvious.and look deep within.when will the day come? I'm waiting.
11:40 PM
Xin ku- the new-est all encompassing IN word!
We had a 6 pax steamboat but we bought food for 60 people and exceed the budget. sorry guys. This is my FIRST time planning and I'm as green and as horny as a cow ( green horn, but I cnt account for the cow).I assumed everyone is a glutton. I'm sorry. I'll not plan anything from now onwards. Good luck! *no tinge of sarcasm intended*
Nonetheless, we had fun, and I really want to mention Ciau Er, for keeping to her promise.
and to Shirley, we'll be anticipating your return.
Once again, they forced me to gossip. and that's ALWAYS the BEST part of ANY outing. seriously.
And because we had sooo much left over food, we're gonna have a meet up at my house this coming Friday! Looking forward to it. The smaller the group, the better! I'm not really into large gatherings. And maybe that's why i don't have a lot of F's. hah.
tmr is gonna be the last day of 2008!
11:39 PM
i want it so badly yet where's the courage?when can i see you again?
Monday, December 29, 2008
10:27 PM
you pissed me off. your tone. your know it all attitude.
5:52 PM
everyone thinks I'm a spoilt brat because I'm jobless now and is getting allowance from my mum.You think that I'm too pampered and treat my parents as ATM machines. You think I'm being unreasonable and all duke-like.Still, I insist on staying at home. shake leg and stretch my hand to ask for $ despite my family's current financial issues.Because i know I'm gonna be rich one day. and when that day comes. I'll throw money at your face.
11:44 AM
84%- as claimed by T.J- its a fuckingly lousy score. Urgh. I failed my BTE ;( and I have a feeling I'm gonna fail tmr too. I packed my books and notes. so much memories though its only about a month since my exams ended. I decided to keep the majority of my econs and chem notes lest i should major in those fields. and i threw away almost all of my maths notes!I flipped through my econs stuff and saw a 20/25 essay! haha!! i think in my entire JC life, that was the highest -_-" and i saw all the outlines i tediously completed, but still, i screwed up during A'sI'm gonna revise some of the chem and econs..don't want to forget everything! its like so wasted can! urgh! my beautiful notes! HAHAHA! And i think i killed one zillion trees, the amount of paper I'm throwing away is like soooooooooooooooooooooo much, BUT i think my mum is gonna recycle them. heh!and yah! my bricken gave way today! i was so embarrassed! urgh luckily I have an extra pair at home but still I'm gonna get a new one! My family went into a bankrupt still I'm spending like a duke. I so wanna get a ipod, a shoe and a bag!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
10:11 PM
When i was mugging my head off for A's, i was thinking of the one zillion things i wanted to do. Now that A's are over, where has all the "to do" go to??Anyhow, here's what i need to do for the rest of the year ( its like 3 days left?)
1. Plan S11 Steamboat (done)2. Plan 31st countdown (either with cousins or peeps)3.Pass my Evaluation ( which is tmr) ( failed, going to redo)
4.Pack my room (done)5. Clear my Books and precious notes. (done)6. Study Chem and Econs
7. Read up my photography notes and plan my photo shoot ( dearest Ivy is so occupied with her flower shop, like wth. PHOTO SHOOT!!)8. Plan my exercise regime for the next 2 months (done)Derek and TJ came over this morning to have breakfast at home. yup, i woke up at 7am just to prepare breakfast, but it was worthwhile, for derek and tj, i will do ANYTHING * like real huh*then we headed to Si en's house to swim, poor derek. he just refuses to leave the sides. We MJed awhile and i lost 8 bucks. urgh. seriously, i think TJ and Si en cheated. Derek and I always loses!Have i really mistaken you? are you really the wrong person? or are you simply avoiding the truth. urgh. I want 2009 to be a great year! it's gonna be life changing, both physically and mentally! and I'm all ready to receive my A's results.Here's what i HOPE AND PRAY forGP: BBIO: AMATH: B Chem: A Econs: CAlthough i know ABC is not going to get me into the popular courses BUT i think that's my maximum liao. WHY DID I SCREW UP MY ECONS. BOO HOO!I want to build strong and reliable friendship and that's why I'm putting in so much effort. Really, and I hope all of you can understand.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
4:10 AM
its 4.10am and I've just finished watching Little Nyonya (epi 32) and i really have to thank Shirley for the Mobtv acct! thanks!!and i cannot believe i kept weeping. i see yu zhu i cry, i see yue niang i cry, i see chen xi and yue niang i cry, i see Xiu Feng i cry, i see tao jie, i also cry! WTF? HOWEVERwhen i see tian bao, i swear FUCK, i see Zhen Zhu I uttered PCB, when i see ROBERT ZHANG ( which my mum claims is me) i SPEWED A CHAIN OF VULGARITIES THAT WILL LEAD YOU FROM MY HOUSE TO..errr USA. But the storyline is getting better, but its ending soon ;(Money is the root of all evil. And there are many who pursue the life of a rich and famous but at the end of the day, they lost themselves. urgh. why like that? I've always wanted to be a rich kid! I've always wanted to be rich and famous. but i don't wanna end up like them ;(And hor. wtf. i really getting scared now. What goes around, comes around, What goes up must come down ( a song? LOL) Will i get my KARMA? if yes...i must start doing good deeds..and I'll start with not gossiping about my classmates. will that do? ;(Ou xuan is like soooooo beautiful.
Friday, December 26, 2008
2:34 PM
i saw you on the busmy heart pounded, with excitmentyou turned your head, i turned away.when will i see you again?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
3:17 PM
YAY! Merry Christmas to all! just zonked out from my slumber! reached home this morning at about 7am and found out that i was locked out! luckily my bro was kind enough to bring the key to me!Yesterday was my grandma's 80th birthday! so happy for her! and i love my grandma lots and lots. Went to Serangoon Gardens Country Club to have a dinner! Jumbo Restaurant i think. food and service sucks. and yah i met a fucked up old cabbie driver! whom i spoilt his cab door, but thats another story.Met my classmates at The Coffee Nation. damn disappointed. We reserved the cosy corner but they gave it up to some butch groupie. FUCK THEM. and there is this FAT GIRL WHO CLAIMS THAT WE STOLE HER CAKE? like what the hell? may u eat the cake, grow fatter and explode. and please. dun wear the red jacket lah. ur layer of fats will keep u warm! *angry arh* points middle finger at her.Nonetheless, we still had lots of fun! The gift exchange was touching! Elecia and yi harn gave all the boys a personalised hat! and its damn freaking cool! i'm like so proud to even own it! Eugene's gave us a MOODY card ( w/o chinsoon of course) * YA, he cropped him out* T.J make a card with a napkin* from Macs*, how UNIQUE. Shirley make a very nice and expensive card with all my gross pics on them!Ry gave us gingerbread man!
Jazz gave us chocolate! and Fattie bom bom made very nice cheesecake!Had lots of cam whore session before we wandered to the streets! shall post the pics soon! We wanted to go to some KTV thingy bt apparently it is expensive and their service has ended. So we decided to walk from Bugis to Clarke Quay. errr? for whatever reason. and our dear hunky derek is so damn tired! Talking abt derek, he's so hot i'm sure wansheng will drool over him. and i know his damn proud of his bulging biceps. too bad he is booking in today! urgh! w/o him, my life in PT is so meaningless! give me all ur money 1st =xSo at clarke quay, we decided to hang out. and we survived the night. I really love such sessions. sitting together just hanging out. chit chatted * my classmates are like. so talkative they can talk and talk and talk and talk....and talk and talk and talk talk talk........* Had so much laughter and gossip session * how awful, gossiping abt ppl on Xmas day* and we left clarke quay at about 6,15am and by then i was like zombiefied. But it was a pleasant and memorable celebration! i lurbesxxssxxss my classmates!Last but not least, thanks Jesus, for the wonderful day you've brought us. Your day today! have fun ;DOh yah, RY asked me ytd, why Men do not need toilet paper to wipe of the "leftover urine". and i told her, MEN simply need to hit their ku ku bird for a few times and the urine falls off. she was amazed. a dick for you?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
9:47 AM
Your platoon has 6 people and that includes you. Report to BBDC on 23rd Dec 5.30pm. Take the free shuttle up the hill. ( i thought BBDC is learn driving?)Auntie, how much is my cai fan? *playing priston tale* then a swarm of mob was chasing me, but no matter hw they hit my, my HP did not reduce :DWTF? that was my dream. i almost died. If i have to be booked in today, GG. Army sucks.eating butter and jam now. as in with bread lah.
2:12 AM
She said : maybe you don't trust anyone hur.I totally agree with her. Sometimes, even your best bud fails and disappoints you. I've learn to treat each and every one of you with caution,lest i be the one who loses out. Met T.J at WiWo to buy some more materials for the Xmas Gifts. Seriously, not that I want to blow my own trumpet, I'm quite artistic leh :D HAH so happy with what i conjured (majiam the gifts are potions) with the remaining crap materials i have and i have a BIG SURPRISE for ivy! sheets. I'm so excited to show them the gifts. And i can't wait for Xmas eve! yeah! going down to Coffee Nations! woots!oh yah. I'm so happy. guan yin ma cannot celebrate X'mas because Jesus died ( and risen) but she didn't XD Thanks Jesus :D you're the reason for Christmas! xie xie ni.oh yah. i finally went to facebook to upload some pics. and i added a friend. Theodore once told me : "what a pity it is that not everyone values the memories, even if they were shared" Till today, that's one of the best quotation i've ever heard. thanks theodore, where ever you ran to.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
10:47 PM
Went out with RY and Shirley today! Visited several Art and Craft store to buy ding ding tang tang for our hand made cards. Art Friend is so overrated, the store is a bit messy, if you're a noob in crafts ( like me) you'll be totally lost.After which, Bin brought us to Mount Sophia and claimed that its a nice place for photo shoot. After leading us through a flight of stairs that seems never ending, we arrived at "Diagon Alley" and tada! we found! buildings and roads -_-" But luckily there was this place called Old School. Don't know exactly what it is, but there was a photo gallery and a very very big space, for photo shoot? im nt really sure. we roamed around and took some interesting shots. Well, my skills are like so raw and unpolished and every shot was like -_-" kinda angry with myself. BUT i've borrowed some Photography books so that i can learn how to craft a good photo! As planned, we went to Coffee Nations to have dinner. Had a hard time finding the place and fortunately, thanks to Bin's instinct ( animal) we found the place! Erm, to our surprise its not very crowded and the owners were doing some filming. He asked if we mind and of course, as shy creatures, we decided to hide in one corner lest we get caught on camera. The staff are very friendly and have a GREAT sense of humour. Staff: Can i take your order?
Me: yes, can i have one onion ring
Staff: you mean one? one onion ring?
Me: * stunned*
Staff: grin
Me: one BASKET of onion ring * no pun intended*Staff: Anything else?
Me: FIVE PXS of drumlets.haha, he was just joking. and i played along. AND i made a fool of myself. I really rmb reading off somewhere that when you go to Coffee nations, when you say " hungry go where" you'll get a discount of your orders. Happily, i asked the staff if there's such a thing. He looked at me, astonished and went to check with his Boss. Later, his boss came up and questioned ( yes questioned) where we get the info from? knowing that i've made a mistake ( maybe its in essential brew lah) i quickly apologised and brush off the idea. BUT the Boss insisted on clarifying the doubt and brought up his lappy and in the end...really gt no such thing! URGH! i almost died can! sorry BOSS!The place is very cosy. BEST place for.......GOSSIP!! the lighting, ambiance, furniture! best! but the food wasnt that terrific but i wouldnt say its not nice. I had a Club Sandwhich with Foccacia Bread and the girls each had a Sausage platter. The portion is tad too small.The coffee is good. i had Caramel Frappe! nice nice. i slurped it all! We hang ard there for like 2 hours? 3 hours? and finally decided to leave. Nice ppl there, nv chase us away and keep serving us water! haha, its a nice gesture! oh we got a free latte ( thanks to Bin's thicken face) and Bin gt a free biscuit from the staff, well, that greedy pig.It was an enjoyable day! so much laughter! nice nice We're gg back on Xmas Eve. Giving up on Wala Wala, no fate! haha! YEAH im gg to do my cards now!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
8:05 PM
Twillight is good ;D
watched it with TJ, Si En and Ruo Ying. After which the overly enthusiastic Si en flew to P.One to get the book but realised that it was out of stock. Disappointed, she was about to leave the book store when the sales girl approached us.
Sales: Hi, were you the one looking for Twillight?
SE: oh YES YES! * lights sparkled*
Sales: the stock is here.
SE: REALLY?! OKAY!!, sprint after the sales girl * according to RY, she made a very funny expression and sound*
She's a joke lo. it was damn funny, RY and I had a GREAT laugh.
We then settled in Yoshinnoya ( incorrect spelling) for dinner. oh yah, lady boss joined us. She thought the entire S11 was having an outing, and to her disappoinment she just saw the 4 of us -_-. Well, it was still worth the trip rite! I'm absolutely sure ;D
So after much discussion. We will be going to Yi harn's house and after which, we will go to Wala Wala! WOOO!!! and i'm going there this Friday with my brother! La la la la la la la, Elmo song!
Tmr we're going out again! without Si en, who is enjoying her holidays in Taiwan. We're gg to shop for ting ting dang dang for our Xmas gift exchange. Will b heading down to ART friend, and then Shir will bring us to some place for our photo shoot and then we'll head down to Coffee Nations! WHEEE i'm excited! and i'm sure they are! because they're gg out with me :D
Sometimes i feel very pek chek with you. and im sure you feel the same way. Mood swings?
Dear Santa, I missed the Polar Express so i cannot drop by to say hi to tell you what i want for this X'mas. So, this year, just drop me anything lah ( except socks). okay? set! thank you.
Monday, December 15, 2008
10:36 PM
Went for theory lesson today. Moral and ethics as promised, Tun Jiang and I doodled on pieces of paper while Si En was busy drawing stars. Well, time passed quickly and lessons were over! I headed home right after, was having a throbbing headache. Urgh. Once at home, i feel flat on my bed and snoozed off and woke up at about 7pm!
As mum was not at home, i had to prepare my own dinner. Well, i prepare macaroni with chicken soup! wanna know how i prepared? Simply open a sachet of Campbell's ready made pasta in Chicken soup, boil some water and your dinner is ready :D
Tmr we're heading down to Marina Barrage ( if weather allows) and we're gonna catch twillight. Its been 1236894567834 years since i went to town! so i'm all excited! oh Yah! We're gonna have a photo shoot tmr, regardless the weather! haha! so i've asked the girls to come in dresses! whee!! cnt wait for tmr! I'm gg to PT! blog tmr!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
11:34 PM

you know it when you cannot shake off the feeling. Alas, karma has arrived.
You often seen in films, one will run and run and run, away from their problems. Hoping the wind that brushes against their skin will blow the heartaches away. Hoping that troubles and sour feelings will stay away from them or at least not so soon. But we all know fairy tales don't exist.
tell me what is friendship? tell me when will MY turn come? tell me this is not karma! tell me harry potter exists tell me they care.
this has got to be the longest night eh?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Life After A's
12:57 AM
Mich suggested a photo blog, but I'm simply too lazy. Nonetheless, i'll toy with the idea.
I'm back- after a sudden disappearance from civilization for like many many months.
I'm seriously not used to leading such a purposeless life now, at least when i was mugging my head off, i had a goal in mind. My friends are all busy - work+ army and being a spoilt brat, i prefer to ask for money and not work for it :D hmmm, that's not entirely true though, I'm intending to sign up as a relief teacher and will prolly head back to my secondary school to teach chemistry and that's provided opportunities arise.
For those of you who do not know, i came back from USA a week ago. I've no intentions of blogging on the experiences, I'm simply too lazy to do that. But it was definitely a refreshing break and i enjoyed myself there albeit the nasty tour guide.
I registered with BBDC and gonna attend my theory lessons in the upcoming week, hope my mum buys me a car once i get my license! oppz.
For tomorrow- I'm gonna spend my lovely morning in the library, looking up recipes and notes on using aperture for photo taking and in the afternoon, I'm gonna join my mum and aunt for lunch. how interesting. rites. my eyes are twitching. gonna catch some sleep!